This research is funded by the InterReg Ireland-Wales project STREAM (Sensor Technologies for Remove Environmental Aquatic Monitoring).
Data is updated in real time (updated ~30 seconds) with weather data recorded by a Gill Instruments MetPak Pro Weather Station, a Windsonic M Ultrasonic Wind Sensor and a ARG-314 WMO compliant tipping bucket rain gauge. The weather station provides the following readings:
- Wind Speed
- Wind Direction
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Rainfall
- Barometric Pressure
- Dew Point
All other observations are done via software calculations.
All Weather observations are recorded in the Walton Institute Netlabs Data Center in SETU West Campus, Carriganore and also posted to the following websites:
Software Used:
- weewx weather station software
- HighCharts for the various charts on the website
- The Belchertown skin theme built for weewx
- Thanks to Pat at for this amazing website for weewx!
- Southern Ireland Repeater Group for hosting this weather station
- Forecast data from Aeris Weather
Server Status
- Server uptime: 0 days, 9 hours, 54 minutes
- WeeWX uptime: 0 days, 9 hours, 54 minutes
- WeeWX version: 4.5.1
- Belchertown Skin Version: 1.2